
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Packing for zombies...

All I can say is thank goodness and oh crap that our vacation is starting tomorrow!  The sky is grey, the grass is a weird green brown color, and I've packed absolutely nothing.  I just want to crawl back into bed and wake up to the sound of the sprinklers in my grandma's back yard.  Don't you just wish that you could skip all the bag packing, line standing, plane flying, and kid whining and just get to the good stuff?  Speaking of the good stuff, the Cobbler has been on the rampage planning what he wants to do while we're visiting Grandma in Florida.  First is a trip up to Fort Myers to the Edison & Ford Winter Estates.   

The Cobbler has been dying for the kids to be old enough to be tolerant of looking at Ford memorabilia for a few hours.  They might just survive.  We visited there on our honeymoon in 2000 and I remember it being pretty interesting.  The other site he wants to check out is the Koreshan State Historic Site.  When he told me about it he said, "We should go to that place.  You know---the one that was once owned by the cult."  I had no idea what he was talking about, but then he finally admitted that he really wanted to go there because they have a machine shop somewhere on the property.  I knew there had to be an ulterior motive!  We also will have to hit the Naples Train Depot again.  The kids adore the model train exhibit and the small scale train that you can ride around the property.  Here we are at the train depot last year:

But really what I'm looking forward to most is making up some tasty bad for you food for the Super Bowl and smelling some of that salt at the beach.  I'm ready to get sandy!  Here's some photos from years past:
Tom Thumb with his Patriots balloon in 2008.

So are the Patriots going to win this time around or what?

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