
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Far Far Away Quilt---Block #3

This is my favorite block so far.  I decided to do a log cabin look in the middle and bookend it with the princesses.  I'm pretty psyched that I've been able to get a lot of princesses out of the fat quarters I bought by sewing pieces together.  Both the princesses in this block are joined in the middle.  On the right, I have Sleeping Beauty lying on the Princess and the Pea's mattresses.  I am loving mprov quilting!  It is so cool to just be sewing along and say to myself, "The birds are tweeting to me.  I need to attach a piece of bird fabric now."  Then, I just chop off a piece of bird fabric and sew it on.  Voila!

Today's my 35th birthday.  The big three five.  I'm feeling good about it though.  I'm in the best shape of my life physically and really I couldn't ask for more as far as life's going.  I could ask for a cleaner house, but as my friend Michelle and I said to each other yesterday we're the type of people who need LOWER expectations in that department.  Gotta let go my perfectionist tendencies.  Anyway---we all went out for birthday breakfast this morning because Red has dance class tonight and I didn't want her missing class so close to the recital.  I enjoyed my veggie omelette and french toast.  Oh and coffee----lots of coffee! :-)

The kids and I are off to the museum this morning.  It is raining again...sigh.  I'm looking forward to some sunny days soon.

1 comment:

  1. That is a seriously cool block!! I saw your note about pink for the sashing, that makes total sense. Mom of all boys here so did not at all think of things like daughter-appeal :)

    Just looks like such a fun quilt to make!!! Enjoy it!

    And - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Enjoy the museum!
