Today fill out the checklist below. It will help you see at a glance what works and what doesn't in your life. Make a copy of this list and keep it in a place where you will refer to it again (your bulletin board or date book). Add additional categories as they occur to you. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 180-182)
There is no way I can do today without sharing the list...and what a list it is! Decide if you're okay or need help in the following areas. My answers to the questions are bolded to the right.
Love and Wear clothes exclusively OK
Closet organized Help (I still have some stray stuff on the floor that needs donating)
Accessories managed OK
Stockings OK (I only own 1 pair...I'd say this is okay :-)
Belts OK
Scarves OK
Shoes OK
Jewelry OK
Clothing Systems
Dry-cleaning system OK (we don't really dry clean much :-)
Laundry system Help (it could be better. Tom Thumb was out of underwear yesterday.)
Out of season system OK (all in Rubbermaid tubs or hung in the hall closet. It was fine until Red raided the summer bin a couple days ago for some shorts. Now all is chaos!)
Recycling System OK (outgrown or not used clothes go to Purple Heart or my niece and nephew)
Linen closet Help (needs assistance after I bought new pillows for the guests from Tennessee last month. Now it's jammed!)
Counters cleared Help (I'm still working on keeping that darn counter cleaned off)
Storage organized OK
Love and Use items exclusively OK (except the china cabinet, but that's technically in the dining room :-)
Meal Planning System OK
Grocery Shopping System OK
Entertaining Menus and Setup Help (but I'm really not entertaining much currently so maybe I am OK)
Home Office
Mail Handling OK
Desktop Papers Help (I get this under control and then this immediately goes to hell again)
Office Supplies OK
Bill-Paying System OK (Cobbler's domain)
Filing System OK (all below are okay. They could use some updating, but are okay)
Current OK
Important Documents OK (in safe)
Estate planning OK (in safe)
Tax records OK (yay---taxes were filed on Saturday)
Home improvement records OK
Insurances OK
Archives OK
Stationery and stamps OK
Ticket system OK
Gift wrapping OK
Photos Help (still working on this one)
Subscriptions OK
Travel files and planning OK
Kids' rooms
Closet Help (Tom Thumb's closet leaves something to be desired)
Desk OK (because there aren't any!)
Storage OK
Kids' papers and mementos Help (Just got caught up on pasting Red's art projects into her book today. Still a long way to go.)
Babysitter information current OK
House Maintenance
Supplies organized OK
Daily Routine Help (in all these cases, I have a written routine I just don't do it)
Weekly Routine Help
Seasonal Routine Help
Garage OK (Cobbler's domain)
House sitter information current OK (more cat sitter than anything)
Recycling system for useless stuff OK
OR for serious simplifiers only...
If you are highly motivated, in the next three months, tackle all the areas marked "Help." Some areas will take just a few minutes to simplify and organize, while other will take hours. Imagine how you will feel when the job is complete. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 182)
I'm going to keep at it when this 30 day process is done. For me, it's going to be a life long thing I'll continue to work on. I'm not a naturally organized person (I tend to drop things on the floor as I walk along) so I really have to be intentional about simplifying and organizing. As I've been saying all along---baby steps. I think you'll see a lot more posts in the coming year about meeting the challenges above.
Today is my Dad's 67th birthday! That's my Dad and Red at my Grandma's cottage on Lake Erie almost 6 years ago. Happy birthday Daddy! We're going over to my parents' house tonight to celebrate by eating some of my mom's homemade pineapple torte. Yum! My little sister is in town from Wisconsin for a visit too. Can't wait! :-)
After I did the list, I realized I still have a lot of work ahead of me. This has been a wonderful jump-start. Thank you so much for posting all the challenges. It's been interesting to follow along and see how you've tackled these challenges as well.
ReplyDeleteHere's my list for Day #29: