
Friday, April 1, 2011

Day #17 of 30 Days to a Simpler Life --- Organize Your Computer Life

T.G.I.F.!  Welcome to Day #17!

To simplify your computer life, make three piles: pile one, manuals; pile two, floppy discs and CD-ROMs; and pile three, registration materials and bills of sales.  Read on to discover how to handle these piles. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 111)

OR for serious simplifiers only...

Keep your computer free of superfluous stuff.  Delete programs you rarely use.  Don't get lulled into buying new fonts, games, graphics, and utilities that you won't use.  Frivolous program slow down computers and create clutter --- more CDs, more manuals, and more information to manage.

I think I'm finally on the mend so a big thank you to everyone who sent me get well wishes.  I'm thinking the root cause of this episode may have been a Snickers bar.  I admit it---it was calling to me from the vending machine in the hallway at Red's dance studio.  Why did it have to be chocolate--- why?!!?  My lament is over.  Back to work...

First off, does anyone amongst us still have a floppy disk?  I seriously can't remember the last time I saw a floppy disk!  I guess it's in passages like this when this book shows its age, but the message is still valuable.  Here's some evidence of its value.  Look at this mess---

This is the top drawer of our main desk in the office.  I'm actually gob smacked by sheer volume of CDs in that drawer.  I don't know what they are.  I don't know if we need them.  I think this might be a job for the Cobbler.  Maybe he'll do it if I offer to help?

If you don't have the book, allow me to attempt to summarize what comes in this chapter when you "read on":
  1. Sort your manuals into hardware, software, and utilities.  Recycle any outdated manuals.
  2. Put your current manuals back where you keep them with the ones you use most being the most easily accessible.
  3. Sort your CDs by program and discard old versions of programs you already have.
  4. The authors suggest sorting CDs into the following categories: System/peripherals, programs, games, communication software, fonts, graphics, back ups, and blanks.  (I don't consider myself super computer savvy so I don't know if these are good categories or not.  Make up your own!)
  5. Register software and hardware products if you haven't done so and make a file for receipts and registrations. 
  6. Hide your techno-clutter.
  7. Label your cords.
  8. Make a list of technical support numbers.

Speaking of the office, I managed to get a wee bit done yesterday for Day #16.  I went through most of the folders in our main filing drawer and came up with this to shred or recycle.
There were some non-essential receipts for stuff going back to 2008 in there along with some old address information, lists of Christmas gifts from previous years, and a bunch of other extraneous stuff.  The item that took the cake was a registration form from 2006 for a nanny service I used one time when I blew out my back and had to go to physical therapy shortly after Red was born.  If I ever use them again, I'm thinking they might want information more current than five years old.  Not to mention, there's now another kid living here!

I didn't have too much work to do since the room was already pretty clean from when we had the house guests.  I really wish I had a before photo to show you.  Then, you would really be shocked by the difference.  Before looking at these after photos, close your eyes and imagine every available inch of desk surface covered with papers or fabric, and imagine the floor littered with abandoned kids toys and dirty clothes.  Are you sufficiently grossed out?  Okay, now look at the office now---

Significantly better.  Now don't ask me about the inside of the closets in the office.  Those still need lots and lots and lots of help, but we are making progress.  I keep telling myself baby steps...

Enjoy your weekend!  I'll see on Monday for Day #18!


  1. First - what a bright, beautiful red!!! How enjoyable it must be to work in there!!!

    Second - nope, no floppy discs here!

    Third - love that one step is "hide the techno clutter!" We've done that and have all "we do not need this disc, manual, etc. on a day-to-day basis" stuff up in a box in the closet. Glad that works for this challenge!

    fourth - sadly, I need to tackle the top drawer of our desk. Again. Clutter in that drawer just multiplies. So not fun.

    Good job on your office, and so glad you are feeling better!!

  2. mm Love it!!! xx thanks for leaving a comment on my blog... i hope to be able to learn from you too!! Are you planning a tutorial?? you so should... pick an area you like. Im not an amazing quilter just sharing things i know... lots to learn so i hope you can teach me a few things to!! xx Love Bec xx

  3. HOLY COW!!!! This is truly a success for you! I have been one of the few privileged to see the before, and I must saw: HURRAY to you!!!!!

  4. That scene is so funny. One of the funniest movies made! I've watched it quite a few times, and it never gets old. Got some computer boxes and disks off my desk, and into a bin today. Here's the result:
